Projects With Kids - Turn Drawings Into A Story Book

Coronavirus in Italy—well, this little corner of Italy in rural Piedmont. There are old farmers here that have put on their overalls and got on their tractors because spring is arriving. Tractors get on main roads and hold up village traffic here. There is a disconnect between the country and what is seen on the evening news. Roba da Matti (crazy stuff). Schools are closed, children are happy and parents have more time to spend with them. People are choosing how to respond.

illustrations from Ice cream for Everyone

illustrations from Ice cream for Everyone

Little projects are put to the test now— learn a little French, write a story, make a book.  Heaps of drawings by my five year old, I didn't have the heart to just throw away, got turned into a story. It’s one about a family going out for ice cream. The family cat wants one too, but can’t go. The title “Ice cream for Everyone” implies they bring some home to the cat. Still other people are taking a break from going to chain stores on Sunday afternoon, having a walk outside for some fresh air instead and maybe opting out going to the ritualistic Saturday night at the pizzeria choosing to make it at home. Farmers don’t go out for Saturday night pizza anyhow. They are just fine eating in with some wine.

Maya and a demijohn.jpg

My father-in-law, husband and little girl took a trip to get some wine in the Langhe yesterday. Maya rode around the little motorised trolly to help load the demijohn into the car. The proprietor said how South Italians were cancelling trips to the North. They gifted Maya a jar of hazelnut chocolate and invited her back to harvest grapes in September. Farmers, winemakers and the like have this innate sense of optimism. It’s the season that determines what comes next and September brings harvest. Who is at the table to drink the wine are happy like those children who haven’t been to school for a week now.