Tips On Lowering The Risk - Pandemic Responsible Kid Parties

My little wonderful is six today! Given the latest Coronavirus creed here in Italy, we are still fortunate to be able to go forward with our celebration at home, and it’s no surprise any six year old has birthday fever! It can be a bit of a challenge for parents alike.

A few tips on having a responsible pandemic party for your child:
• Keep it small (her best of three friends are coming). For friends who were regrettably not invited, make a separate playdate.
• Have it outside (looks like a sunny Saturday for us at the weekend) or at least a part of it—kids can bundle up! You can cook some food on the grill and have hot chocolate to keep em’ warm too—give it a campy feel!
• Little kids don’t have all the issues adults have with wearing masks (I’ll ask guest to do so, obviously not when eating cake).
• Have an area where they can go to keep hands cleaned/disinfected and serve kids their own plates (forgo the buffet this year).

Sei invite • Batik inspired decoration • digital invite

Sei invite • Batik inspired decoration • digital invite


In Italian the word six is sei. Sei also is the second person pronoun. I used this word as a launching pad to loosely theme her party this year. I made a cloth banner including words that say who she is…loved, creative, joyful…as a backdrop. Her digital invite again included the word Sei (you are) to invite guests to her party.

I’ll post pictures once the party happens. Cake and piñata are in the works and according to my instagram account, it’s due for a yearly birthday post.

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